blue sky with white clouds

International Day of Democracy
- September 15 - We Promote Democracy and Human Rights.

Article §4: EAPJG Journalists Membership Requirements / Voting Rules

1. Membership in EAPJG is open to:

a. Overseas journalists of any nationality, whether working full-time or part-time, with a demonstrated interest in South Asian and Pakistan-related affairs.

b. Pakistani journalists residing in Europe or Pakistani Journalists with dual citizenship.

c. Working journalists and freelance journalists from developed countries, subject to selection by the Committee and conditions specified in §4.1. a.

2. Membership applications shall be reviewed and approved by or the Board (§4.1.a).

3. Members must adhere to the principles of ethical journalism and professional conduct, in line with the association's objectives.

4. Only active journalist members with valid membership of EAPJG are eligible to participate in EAPJG elections, vote in association activities, and hold office within the organization.

5. Membership applications can be submitted online or in writing to EAPJG using the prescribed form and must include the applicant's organizational constitution. The Secretary will notify all Committee members of new applications for consideration by the Board.

6. The process for upgrading or reapplication of previous associate members to full members follows the same procedure as new membership applications.

7. The Chairman has the final authority to approve or reject membership applications without explaining.

8. There is no entitlement to admission, and membership fees vary. Membership is activated only upon payment of the fees.

9. EAPJG may admit members whose constitutions and activities align with its character and objectives, specifically supporting media freedom, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of information, and the freedom to criticize governments and organizations.

10. Educational Experience:

· Minimum Qualification: A Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Mass Communication, or a related field.

· Advanced Degrees: Candidates with a Master's degree or higher in Journalism, Mass Communication, or related fields will be given preference.

· Alternative Education Pathways: Applicants with degrees in other fields may be considered.

11. Professional Experience:

· A minimum of 3 years of professional experience in journalism, media, in editorial roles, investigative journalism, or media production.

· Minimum of 10 years of professional experience required without the academics study with a proven track record of leadership, editorial oversight, or significant contributions to the field of journalism.

· Applicants must demonstrate significant professional activity as a journalist or registered media worker, supported by an editorial agreement, certificate, or card from a publisher, media agency, or network.

· Applicants must provide evidence of their journalistic work, such as a publication link, from within the last three months.

Article §4.a: EAPJG Corporate and Honorary Membership / Voting

1. Membership applications shall be reviewed and approved by or The chairman of the Board and the Board.

2. Corporations can acquire membership that supports and aligns with our objectives, in a special non-voting membership category.

3. Media associations and media companies, in a special non-voting membership category.

4. Individuals are granted honorary membership by for their outstanding contributions to the association and its goals. Honorary members who are not media professionals do not have voting rights and are exempt from membership fees.

5. Membership applications can be submitted online or in writing to EAPJG using the prescribed form and must include the applicant's organizational constitution. The Secretary will notify all Committee members of new applications for consideration by The Board.

6. Renewal of associate members to full members follows the same procedure as new membership applications.

7. has the final authority to approve or reject membership applications without explaining.

8. There is no entitlement to admission, and membership fees vary. Membership is activated only upon payment of the fees.

9. Only authorized active journalist members of EAPJG can participate in EAPJG elections.

10. Member corporations can apply for limited access to EAPJG working documents relevant to their criteria, excluding personal data and other confidential documents.

Article §4.b: Membership Fees/ Dues Policies / Procedure for all Categories

The guidelines and protocols regarding membership fees are as follows:

1. In October, all members will receive an email reminder about the renewal of their membership fee.

2. Membership will expire at the end of the calendar year for members who do not pay their membership fee by December 15th.

3. Membership fees are due from September 1st through December 15th. Payments made after December 15th, but before the end of the calendar year, will incur a late fee.

4. A late fee, equal to double the regular membership fee, will be charged for payments made after December 15th until the end of the calendar year.

5. Members whose memberships are terminated will be notified by the end of February.

6. The Board and honorary members are exempt from paying the membership fee.

7. Press passes will be renewed annually with new charges specified on the website accordingly.

8. Membership is open year-round to all applicants who align with our objectives and policies.

9. The first-year registration fee for journalists is €90, with an annual renewal fee of €60. EAPJG journalist members will receive a PRESS card, a membership letter, and a live authorization confirmation for the website.

10. The first-year registration annual membership fee for Small Retail Traders (up to 15 employees) is €500 with a following annual renewal fee of €300. Members will receive a corporate membership card, website space for live advertising in the corporate membership category, and special promotional announcements at our events.

11. The annual membership fee for corporate members (more than 15 employees) is €1000 with a following annual renewal fee of €600. Members will receive a corporate membership card, website space for live advertising in the corporate membership category, and special promotional announcements at our events.

Remarks: All fees are subject to change due to inflation, with updates provided through the website or email. Fees from Retail Traders and corporations will be allocated to the funding category.

§4.c : Membership Termination / Resigning / Re-registration

Membership ends with a written resignation notice to a Board member or Secretaries, or on the following grounds.

1. The member's death, exclusion from EAPJG, or termination.

2. Member acts in a way that goes against the principles or objectives of the Federation, or in a manner that could harm the Federation's interests (as outlined in section number) and Members significantly violating EAPJG's interests can be excluded by Board resolution without notice.

3. All member categories may resign at the end of a calendar year with a three-month notice period, but contributions are nonrefundable. Excluded members will be notified via email and written communication.

4. The ex-members, those who want to reapply for membership, must pay the full registration fee again and have to submit approval of re-registration from the Committee and have to follow the protocols for joining EAPJ (mentioned in section nr 4).

5. Applicants rejected by The Board can appeal to the next Congress in writing within three months of notification.

WArticle § 5: Role of Member Categories of EAPJG:

The roles of Corporate Members, Honorary members, and Journalist members are as follows:

Article §5a . Role of Corporate Members of the EAPJG

1. Sponsorship and Funding:

Corporate members provide crucial financial support for EAPJG’s activities, events, and infrastructure improvements. Their contributions help sustain the association's operations and fund special projects or initiatives.

2. Networking Opportunities:

Corporate members create networking opportunities for journalists and media professionals, fostering collaboration and partnerships between the media and corporate sectors.

3. Resource Provision:

They offer resources such as training, technology, and expertise, enabling journalists to stay current with industry trends and tools.

4. Event Participation:

Corporate members actively participate in and sponsor events, including conferences, seminars, and workshops, thus contributing to the educational and professional development of EAPJG members.

Article §5b.Role of Honorary Members in EAPJG

  1. Advisory capacity:
    Honorary members, often distinguished individuals from the media industry or related fields, provide strategic advice and guidance to EAPJG leadership and members.

  2. Ambassadors of the Club:
    These members act as ambassadors for EAPJG, enhancing its reputation and extending its reach through their professional networks and public influence.

  3. Mentorship and Training:
    They mentor young journalists and media professionals by offering training sessions, workshops, and one-on-one guidance.

  4. Recognition and Awards:
    Honorary members participate in the selection and presentation of awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to journalism and media.

  5. Advocacy and Representation:
    They advocate for EAPJG’s interests in various forums, promoting freedom of the press, ethical journalism, and the overall welfare of media professionals.

Article §5c. Role, Rights & Duties of Journalist Members of EAPJG in General

  1. Access and Participation:
    Members have the right to access privileged information, participate in discussions, and contribute to the strategic objectives of EAPJG.

  2. Financial Obligations:
    Members are required to meet their financial commitments, including the timely payment of membership dues as determined by .

  3. Professional Conduct:
    Members must conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the reputation and integrity of both EAPJG and the journalistic profession.

  4. Active Engagement:
    Members are encouraged to actively engage in EAPJG activities, including attending meetings, workshops, and conferences, and participating in committees or special projects.

  5. Support and Advocacy:
    Members should support EAPJG’s advocacy efforts by promoting freedom of the press, ethical journalism, and the welfare of media professionals in various forums.

  6. Continuous Development:
    Members are expected to pursue continuous professional development, stay informed about industry trends, and enhance their skills through EAPJG’s resources and programs.