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Memorable Moments: EAPJG Launch Event Photo & Video Collection

The Dawn of a New Era: The Inauguration of EAPJG in Bern

A Vision Realized: The Birth of EAPJG

On a crisp day in Bern, Switzerland, a significant milestone was reached for Pakistani journalists across Europe. The "European Association of Pakistani Journalists Global" (EAPJG) was officially launched in a grand ceremony that brought together media professionals from various European countries. Hosted by the Pak Swiss Association, this event marked the beginning of an ambitious journey to bridge the professional gap between Pakistani and European journalists.

A Gathering of Minds: The Inaugural Ceremony

The inaugural ceremony was a testament to the unity and shared vision of the Pakistani journalist community. Prominent journalists and media figures from across Europe gathered in Bern to celebrate the launch of EAPJG. The event was not just a formal gathering but a celebration of the shared goals and aspirations of Pakistani journalists striving to make their mark in Europe.

Leadership and Vision: The Founding Team

The event was graced by the presence of EAPJG’s founding members, whose leadership and vision have been instrumental in bringing this initiative to life. The founding president, Shahid Amir Goraya from Germany, set the tone for the event with an inspiring speech that highlighted the association's goals. He was joined by General Secretary Muhammad Zunair from Norway, Senior Vice President Syed Haider Naqvi from Germany, and Vice President Dr. Kamran from the Netherlands, among others. Each of these leaders shared their insights and commitment to fostering professional collaboration between Pakistani and European journalists.

Commitment to Empowering Pakistani Journalists

The event also featured remarks from Rana Shehzad Rafiq, Chairman of the Pak-Swiss Association, who highlighted the importance of empowering Pakistani journalists abroad. "Our effort is to strengthen and empower Pakistani journalists in foreign lands so they can prove themselves in the international journalistic arena and bring honor to Pakistan," said Rafiq.

The Launch of the Official EAPJG Website

In tandem with the association's launch, the official website of EAPJG was unveiled. This website will serve as a hub for the association's activities, providing detailed information on upcoming events, training programs, and opportunities for Pakistani journalists in Europe. It aims to be a resource-rich platform that facilitates the exchange of information and promotes professional growth among its members.

Voices from the Community

  • Dr. Kamran (Vice President): "This organization will act as a bridge between Pakistani journalists and European journalistic institutions, offering Pakistani journalists the chance to enhance their professional skills and help in establishing a positive image of Pakistan abroad while countering disinformation."

  • Muhammad Zunair (General Secretary): "The purpose of this association is to make the Government of Pakistan aware of the importance of Pakistani journalists worldwide, especially in Europe. These journalists, without any personal gain, are highlighting the positive aspects of the Pakistani community and the country globally. We will strive for the Government of Pakistan to recognize their contributions by granting them honorary status."

  • Khalid Mughal (Information Secretary): "Our efforts will focus on ensuring that Pakistani journalists have access to the latest information and resources, thereby strengthening communication among them and fostering their professional development."

  • Faheem Shehzad (Finance Secretary): "The establishment of this organization will provide a strong platform for Pakistani journalists, supporting them not only in their professional matters but also by offering financial, educational, and training assistance to help them excel in their work."

  • Ahsan Ullah Khan (Senior Advisory Board Member): "The formation of the European Association of Pakistani Journalists is significant because it is built upon the fulfillment of all legal requirements and is free from any political motives. It will serve as an effective and powerful platform for connecting journalists living around the world with Pakistan and international organizations."

  • Mansoor Ahmed (Operational In-Charge, Netherlands): "Our commitment under EAPJG is to provide every possible operational support to Pakistani journalists. We will ensure that all the organization's initiatives are effectively implemented, creating practical opportunities for Pakistani journalists across Europe."

A Platform for Growth: Objectives and Mission

The primary objective of EAPJG is to provide a platform that fosters professional growth and collaboration among journalists. During the event, its leaders clearly articulated the mission of EAPJG. Shahid Amir Goraya emphasized the importance of creating opportunities for Pakistani journalists and students who aspire to pursue journalism in Europe. The organization aims to offer training, internships, and professional development programs to equip journalists with the skills needed to succeed on an international stage.

A Commitment to Excellence: Key Statements

Throughout the event, key figures from the EAPJG leadership shared their perspectives on the association’s role. Ranging from facilitating internships for journalism students to creating avenues for professional training, their words underscored a commitment to excellence. These initiatives are designed to empower journalists to not only enhance their professional skills but also to represent Pakistan positively on global platforms.

A Momentous Occasion: Reflections and Future Aspirations

The successful launch of EAPJG is a significant achievement, but it is only the beginning. The event in Bern has set the stage for future growth, collaboration, and professional development. As the evening drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of optimism and determination among the attendees. EAPJG has opened a new avenue for Pakistani journalists, one that promises to enhance their influence and presence on the global media landscape.

The EAPJG launch in Bern was more than just an event; it was a celebration of a shared vision and a commitment to journalistic excellence. As the association moves forward, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Pakistani journalism in Europe and beyond

Memorable Moments: EAPJG Launch Event Video and Photo Collection