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International Day of Democracy
- September 15 - We Promote Democracy and Human Rights.

Evolution of the EAPJG:A Historical Overview

The European Association of Pakistani Journalists Global (EAPJG) emerged from a WhatsApp group administered by the founder of EAPJG Mr.Shahid Ameer Goraya. The initial idea originated during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It was discussed by Shahid A. Goraya (Bureau Chief, Bol News Germany) with fellow journalists Imran Mehr (92 News), Syed Haider Naqvi (PTV News) from Bonn, Germany, Dr. Kamran (92 News) from the Netherlands.

After a period of inactivity, Shahid A. Goraya created a WhatsApp group with the following manifesto on January 25, 2022, as evidenced by the screenshot.

یورپی ایسوسی ایشن آف پاکستانی جرنلسٹس گلوبل (EAPJG) کا بنیادی مقصد پاکستانی صحافیوں کو اور دنیا بھر سے اور باالخصوص یورپ سے ایک پلیٹ فارم پر متحد کرنا ہے۔ اس پلیٹ فارم کا مقصد ان تمام صحافیوں کو یکجا کرنا ہے جو بیرون ملک مقیم ہیں اور پاکستان، اوورسیز پاکستانیوں کی فلاح و بہبود، اور عالمی انسانی حقوق کے تحفظ کے لئے صحافت کر رہے ہیں۔ ہمارا مقصد خاص طور پر اوورسیز مسائل اور حقائق کو خبروں کی صورت میں عوام کے سامنے لانا ہے۔

ہمارا مقصد پاکستانی یورپی صحافیوں کی اہمیت کو بین الاقوامی اور پاکستانی وفاقی سطح پر اجاگر کرنا ہے اور ان کو یورپی صحافیوں اور عالمی پریس کے ساتھ متعارف کروانا ہے تاکہ وہ مل کر پیشہ ورانہ تجربات کا تبادلہ کر سکیں اور صحافتی معیار کو بہتر بنا سکیں۔

یہ بات واضح رہے کہ ہمارا یہ گروپ غیر سیاسی اور غیر مذہبی ہے۔ ہم صحافت کی آزادی، میڈیا کی تنوع اور صحافتی اخلاقیات کے فروغ کے لئے پرعزم ہیں۔ EAPJG کی کوشش ہے کہ صحافیوں کو ایک مضبوط اور مؤثر پلیٹ فارم فراہم کیا جائے تاکہ و

The primary objective of the European Association of Pakistani Journalists Global (EAPJG) is to unite Pakistani journalists, particularly those from Europe and around the world, on a single platform. This platform aims to bring together journalists residing abroad who are dedicated to reporting on issues concerning Pakistan, the welfare of overseas Pakistanis, and the protection of global human rights. Our mission is to highlight overseas issues and facts to the public through news coverage.

We strive to emphasize the significance of Pakistani European journalists at both international and Pakistani federal levels and to introduce them to European journalists and the global press. This introduction facilitates the exchange of professional experiences and the enhancement of journalistic standards.

It is important to note that our group is non-political and non-religious. We are committed to promoting press freedom, media diversity, and journalistic ethics. EAPJG endeavors to provide journalists with a strong and effective platform, enabling them to advance in their profession and positively represent Pakistan on a global scale."

The original WhatsApp status is copied below in Urdu and English.

Over time, the WhatsApp group matured and became more functional. Members were added periodically after a personal call from Shahid A. Goraya, who granted personal permission for them to join the EAPJG WhatsApp group.

In April 2024, EAPJG was officially announced as the European Association of Pakistani Journalists Global. Consequently, efforts in branding, digitalization, management, administration, legal requirements, and public relations have accelerated, with all tasks being managed by Shahid A. Goraya and Team.

Coordination to form the first cabinet began among the pioneer members. Shahid A. Goraya organized the inaugural cabinet meeting of the pioneer members in Bern, Switzerland, scheduled for August 24, 2024, with the collaboration of Faheem Shahzad Maher (C44 NEWS) in July 2024. Digital invitations for the meeting, in the form of PDFs, have been sent out by Shahid A. Goraya on July 2024. The EAPJG's event was successfully organized and the set agenda was achieved. Please check the page  Bern Deceleration (edited on 12.09.2024)